A Happy New Year to everyone and an exciting number of golf tours are arranged for 2018
We hope you enjoy your golf this year and join us to experience the comraderie that golfers over 50 years of age enjoy.
One of the Highlights this year will be when we return to Da Nang in Vietnam to play Asia's No.1 Golf Course - Ba Na Hills
This Luke Donald designed course seems to mix Robert Trent Jones Jnr and Pete Dye designs of the other courses I have played - something to put on your bucket list
Thank you - Thank you - for taking me to these beautiful places !
Everything runs like clockwork
We would never have envisaged playing on these courses without your organisation
I do not believe I could do it privately for the same price!
I have made lifelong friends through AVGA GOLF
P O Box 1112
Menai, NSW, 2234 Australia
Jan for Flights: (02) 9541 4178
Terry for Golf: 0415 416 197
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